Sunday, October 16, 2005

Vicarious Lifestyles

So, in the past few days, my life has consisted almost entirely of sitting in the captain seat of the famed Awesomemobile. While on the road, I had my mind on all sorts of things. Mostly, I decided at some point I'd like to start up some sort of entrepeneurship. Perhaps in the form of owning my own business. If you haven't noticed, a captain's first priority is style. Think about it: Cap'n Crunch with his coordinating blues, Captain Hook with his curly locks of brilliant brunette and his velvety red trenchcoat... and his platinum encrested hook, and lest we forget the sea captain from the simpsons, what with his cork pipe and blues and greens. Long story short, I say to myself that I need to open a children's clothing store. I'd call it Vicarious Lifestyles. I'd pretty much only stock things like Starter jackets and Reebok Pumps. Basically, anything that parents couldn't have when they were children. I'd also have a lot of reading material, including the books: So You Didn't Stack Up? That's Why We Procreate and Getting Your Kids Involved Where You Failed Miserably. Oh, and I nearly forgot about the best seller Boxing Lessons for the Spawn of Spineless, Four-eyed, Pocket-Protecting Parents.

My dad always wanted to open up a self-help store, but his dreams were shattered by being admitted into Med School. Sadly, he was never much of a risk-taker, so he took the easy way out. He has, however, told me time and time again that if he could do it over again, he would have gone about opening his own store. Knowing I have my parents' "approval" I think I'll be fairly successful. But I'm kind of torn on the matter. While I know my parents want me to open a store, I have my reservations. I've never liked business, I doubt I'm really cut out for it. Honestly, I want to join the circus. The circus looks like fun. I'll sit and work the gate, or I can guess your weight. I'll even sell the corndogs. I don't care as long as I'm there. So there it is folks. My life decision boiled down to two choices: Vicarious Lifestyles or Carney Man.


Blogger Jason said...

I've heard that if you're a carney man, you only make two bucks... and come to find out, that job it really sucks.

7:19 AM  

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