Friday, October 07, 2005

The first day of wasting the rest of your life

Welcome to Awesomeland: where according to pat, 'the streets are paved with gold and original ideas flow like raging water through a broken levee.' You may be thinking "where is this Awesomeland? Pennsylvania?" While Pennsylvania is a good guess, you'd be wrong.

Well, enough about the setting, let's talk about me. Being the main character of this story, it's imperative that you know a few things about me. For starters, my name. It's Nick, but my friends call me names. Well, I'm really not going to just tell you about me, that'd be cheating (perhaps one day I'll have a girl write up the Cliff's Notes version that bottles my character up into 4 or 5 words and truly misses the point of all of it). If you're a girl and you're reading this, you'd probably have more fun if you imagined you were a guy. Right now you're thinking that there'll probably be a lot of girl-bashing on here, and if you think that, well you just proved me right and misinterpreted me entirely.

Anyways, I'm not anti-girl, I'm just fairly sure most readers are gonna be dudes. Don't get me wrong, my life's got stories for everybody... and that's why you're embarking on the greatest story ever told. While there are a lot of really great stories out there, this one, my friends, is based on a true story. It's chalk full of romance, intrigue, adventure, and espionage. And unlike every other blog out there... this one is real.

You see, my life started out nearly 24 years ago... chronologically. But, today, I give you the first day of the rest of my life. The past quarter of a century: merely the training that led me to the proverbial foot of Everest. Cynics would say I've plateaued. They know nothing. Consider this your cliffhanger... dun dun dun.

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Blogger Jason said...

I can't wait to embark on this rollercoaster ride of a lifetime!

5:20 PM  

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